
Coronavirus Updates: Mental Health Resources, Liquor Board Rule Change, Columbia Association Updates 

By June 4, 2020 No Comments

ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County has compiled mental health resources and support for residents amid the COVID-19 pandemic and recent racial injustices. County Executive Calvin Ball has been keen on raising awareness and providing more mental health services to youth, launching the “It’s OK to Ask” campaign in 2019.  

“This is a difficult time for many in our community, and it is particularly trying on our mental health,” said County Executive Calvin Ball. “Although we may be physically distant, we are still here to help one another, our departments and partners are working to connect residents with the resources they need. Please be sure to check-in on one another frequently and offer support where you can.”  

Mental Health Resources 

Grassroots is hosting virtual QPR (Questions, Persuade and Refer) Trainings — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade and refer someone to help. Register at 

 Resources for Crisis 

·        Grassroots Crisis Intervention, 410-531-6677  

·        Behavioral Health Navigator, 410-313-6202 

·        National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1-800-273-8255 

·        Howard County Health Department  

·        Howard County Network of Care 

·        Teen Health Matters  

Building Youth Resiliency is a rapid-access mental health program that connects families who have commercial insurances or who are uninsured to outpatient psychiatric services and resources. This program includes Targeted Case Management services also known as Care Coordination. Care Coordination works to empower families to achieve their vision through a collaborative, strength-based, and family-centered process. Services are offered within the home to best accommodate the family.  

The program also includes access to Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) services which are an essential piece to community-based treatment for individuals with behavioral health challenges. PRP focuses on skill development and how to access resources that clients need to increase their ability to be successful and healthy. The Building Youth Resiliency programs are facilitated through Center for Children and Therapeutic Connections and serve children and youth ages 3 to 24. 

Referrals for Care Coordination with Center for Children can be sent to Tasha Walls, LMSW at or by phone at 240-320-2023. Referrals for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) with Therapeutic Connections can be sent to Michael Allen, MSW at or by phone at 410-961-8423, or online at 

The Howard County Local Care Team (LCT) is an inter-agency council designed to provide resources and support to families who need to access services for a child with intensive emotional and behavioral needs. The primary goal of the LCT and its family-focused partners is to help families receive the support and services they need to ensure their children remain in the homes and communities. Families can self- refer to the Local Care Team by contacting the LCT Coordinator, Candace Ball at or by calling 410-313-6552 

Liquor Board Rules 

Howard County is expediting a permitting process to allow restaurants to have outdoor seating and extend on premises alcohol consumption. This collaboration prevents restaurants and bars from needing to seek multiple permits. The Liquor Board added the following amendment to its rules: “During the current state of emergency related to COVID-19, Licensees may apply for a temporary extension of premises for on premises consumption in an outdoor serving area on a form provided by Howard County without the requirement of public notice, public hearing, or liquor board application.” 

Columbia Association Updates 

Columbia Association (CA) has announced the cancellation of all summer camps and that outdoor pools will remain closed for the summer. CA has opened two outdoor tennis facilities and a gold course. To read their full statement please click here.