Uncategorized Inclement Weather Announcement Due to inclement weather you may experience delays in service and increased wait times. For more detailed information and updates…rtacohoJanuary 20, 2016
Uncategorized Major Delays & Service Interruptions Due to the 4th of July Parade and fireworks celebration in Laurel, the RTA will be experiencing major delays and service…rtacohoJuly 2, 2015
Uncategorized Save the date – 2015 CMRT Transportation-Mobility Management Conference and Networking Reception Thursday, May 7, 2015 9:00am - 6:00pmrtacohoMarch 4, 2015
Uncategorized Join in as we update Howard County’s Pedestrian Master Plan The new plan continues efforts to build a system of sidewalks, pathways, bus stops and roadway crossings to make walking…rtacohoMarch 3, 2015
Uncategorized Don’t Miss Womenfest! A Health & Wellness Event for Women. Saturday, April 25, 2015. 10am-3pm at the Gary J. Arthur Community Center at Glenwood. Visit: www.howardcountyaging.org/womenfest for more information.rtacohoFebruary 27, 2015