Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

Who is the RTA?

The Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) is an organization made up of multiple jurisdictions that have come together to establish a more effective and efficient public transportation system across Central Maryland.

What service areas are included in the RTA?

Service areas currently include, Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Northern Prince George’s County and the City of Laurel.

Why was the RTA created?

To combine the management and administrative functions of multiple transit operations (which reduces operating costs by more than 10%) and to provide a better customer experience by improving connections between systems.

Why do buses emit black smoke?

We recognize that as operators of diesel buses, RTA has a difficult challenge of explaining why at times there is considerable smoke being emitted from the exhaust pipes of some of the vehicles…

What does this mean to me as a rider?

You will experience the same level of bus and paratransit service you are currently receiving.
Fares will not change. Schedules will not change. Routes will not change.
On July 1 you will get on and off your bus just like you did on June 30.

What is changing?

  • The Howard Transit and Connect-A-Ride buses will have the RTA logo and some will feature Maryland colors and graphics.
  • Many of the bus stop signs will have the RTA logo with easy to read bus route and destination information.
  • The printed timetable schedules will showcase easy to read maps and a new fresh look.
  • The bus driver’s uniform will change from a First Transit logo to an RTA logo on the sleeve.
  • The Red Route in Howard County will be increased to 30-minute service July 7, 2014

Where can I get new bus schedules?

New schedules will be available on all the fixed route buses about mid-June and can be downloaded by clicking here.

What number will I call for information and help?

You will call the exact same number you are calling now – 1.800.270.9553

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